Where the Land Meets the Sea

Damien Hirst


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Publisher: Heni Publishing
Serial Number:978-1-912122-77-6
Format: Hardback
Pages: 545 pages
Size: 460 x 325 mm
Date: 2023


heni pWhere the Land Meets the Sea is a large-format hardback catalogue, published to coincide with Damien Hirst’s latest release of paintings and an exhibition at Phillips gallery on Berkeley Street, London.
The collection comprises of three new series of oil paintings – Coast Paintings, Sea Paintings and Seascapes – that have never been exhibited before. To coincide with an application-based release of the artworks on HENI Primary, Hirst’s exhibition at Phillips will run from 20 July to 18 August 2023, presented by HENI with the support of the artist’s galleries Gagosian and White Cube, and is accompanied by this exhibition catalogue.
The catalogue features over 200 full-colour reproductions of the artworks on show at Phillips, accompanied by texts from British writer David Campany and American art historian James Cahill.